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A recruitment and e-commerce web/mobile app allowing the admin user to create the products and services details. Admin can also handle the vendors for the services and products. Client users visit the app and can order the products/services as per their need.

About Project

In the development of our versatile web/mobile app, which serves both as a recruitment platform and an e-commerce platform, we've seamlessly integrated a diverse set of technologies to provide a user-friendly experience for administrators, vendors, and clients. Ruby on Rails forms the robust foundation of our platform, expertly managing data and interactions, ensuring a dynamic and efficient ecosystem for both recruitment and e-commerce needs.
React, a powerful front-end library, enhances the user experience with its dynamic and interactive elements, allowing clients to browse the catalog of products and services with ease. Javascript and Redux facilitate the smooth flow of data and state management, optimizing user interactions and providing a seamless experience for both administrators and clients.
The integration of Sendgrid ensures efficient email communication, whether it's sending notifications, updates, or important information to users. This comprehensive integration of Ruby on Rails, React, Javascript, Redux, and Sendgrid empowers administrators to manage and create detailed listings of products and services while maintaining control over vendors' quality and reliability.
On the client side, the app simplifies the process of browsing offerings and placing orders according to specific requirements. It serves as an efficient bridge between service providers, vendors, and clients, ultimately creating a seamless and effective ecosystem for both recruitment and e-commerce needs.

Technology Stack

Key Features

Admin Portal

Recruitment Management

Client Portal

Job Allocation

Job Scheduler

Media Library

Notifications & Invitations

Products Listing

Services Listing

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